Epic Door x The Bath House
The design incorporates the core importance of opening up a new space through a short cinematic cut as the player explores the bathhouse based on the movie "Spirited Away".
The Bathhouse
The design is based on the story of the animated movie "Spirited Away" by Hayao Miyasaki. Incorporating the vivid nature of the visuals and transforming them into a set to be shot on a sound stage. The major scenes are broken down into 2 sets which have their respective sets of drafting packages and 3d visuals. The design has its origin from references to Asian mythology as well as architecture.
Somewhere Far Away
An isolated workstation enclosed in a magical space incorporating and celebrating water. The space has most of its materials derived from and is camouflaged in nature.
The Last Voyager
An abandoned crashed airship stuck in the middle of nowhere, where the snow blows throw the ship. The airship still has elements which are somewhat functional once triggered which altogether creates a suspense in an explorer.